Agenda Analyzer

A better way of checking if your bills are on the calendar

Do you have any bills up in session today? Did you get an email with a list of bills a committee chair is interested in moving during the next few weeks? The Agenda Analyzer will take any text you can copy and paste, and check it against a list of bills you're tracking.

Click the X-Ray button highlighted in red to access the page

On the main issues page, click the "Agenda Analyzer" button . Then you can paste the session calendar, or any other text with proper bill identifiers (HB 4001, SB 201) and compare that with the bills you are tracking.

Adventurers Wanted

Do you want an easier way to organize your emails, contacts, and calendar events to track the work you're doing on an issue or with a client? I have shipped the starting point for the Capitol Zen Email and Calendar integrations

Miscellaneous And Errata

  • Bill introductions on the dashboard and emails are now sorted in bill order, to make a little more logical sense
  • A stray UUID found itself into the bill introduction email and now has seen itself out
  • Added missing fields and some defaults into reports
  • Ability to delete reports
  • Included client name in committee notifications
  • Notified only people who should be notified, instead of everyone in your organization, your neighbors, and everyone else in your building